Monday, May 3, 2010

Again with MaineCare.

Well, here it is May 3, 2010. As of May 1st, my husband no longer has MaineCare. We make too much money. $1976.00 is too much money. We also got cut off from food stamps. Wonderful. Now not only do we have to pay $392.00 in rent, $230.00 in electricity, $139.00 for cable (our only entertainment outlet with the computer attached), car payment of $268.00, car insurance $88.00, etc. etc. etc. We now have to pay for food; we already spent about $50. a week (our food stamps were only $169.00). Oh yea, the feds take out $110.00 from the amount we get off the top for Medicare that I have (so it's actually $1866.00 I'm getting.). Then I have to pay for Part D, perscription plan THEY signed me up for. Another $14.75 plus co-pays for MY 8 medications (2 of my meds are not covered so they come out of my pocket) It's a wonder that seniors have to choose between medication, food, heat, or rent.

My husband has cancer. He's been hospitalized twice since January, we can't afford to get treatment now in Boston. They have what's called uncompensated care (all hospitals do) but we'd have to get the paper work form those hospitals, fill it out and wait for an answer.

MaineCare will take care of Bill again, When and if we spend $9,644.00. That's like saying you have to go to the moon and back on a bicycle.

I've called everyone from the back of beyond to find out how we can get some help for my husband. The answer, rack up the bills and you'll get the MaineCare back. Lovely. I will do anything for my husband.

The government is right now stalling and my husband is dying while they want us to rack up bills we have no hope of paying. How cool is that. We live in a very rich nation and the only ones who get richer are the politicians or the jerks who spout off on radio. Let them put some of their money in a fund to help impoverished people. NO WAY!! They "work" for their money. They are entitled to it. So are my husband and I. The land of the free is only for the one's who can make it off the backs of the little people.